Session 2 - What's the Topic and Use advanced search options

Session 2 - Basic Level Online Classes - What's the Topic and Use advanced search options

Session Title: Getting Started with Research Project

Date and Time - 30 May 2024, 09:30PM to 11:00PM



The goal of this session is to guide research students on how to effectively start their research projects. This includes selecting a research topic, conducting basic and advanced literature searches, and choosing a topic that aligns with their interests and research objectives.


1. Introduction: Importance of Choosing the Right Topic

-       Foundation of Research: The topic sets the foundation for the entire research thesis. It's essential to pick a topic that not only interests the researcher but also aligns with the objectives of their assignment or research goals.

-       Personal Interest: Choosing a topic that genuinely interests the researcher can keep them motivated throughout the research process.

-       Alignment with Objectives: The topic should align with the research objectives and goals, ensuring that the research contributes valuable insights to the field.


 2. Steps to Choose a Research Topic

- Explore Ideas:

Started by exploring a broad range of ideas within the general field of interest.

Example Areas: HR and Succession Planning in Startups, GIG Employees Engagement in Startups.

- Brainstorm:

Engage in brainstorming sessions to generate a list of potential topics.

Discuss these ideas with peers, mentors, or advisors to refine them.

- Narrow Down Options:

Evaluate the feasibility of each topic based on available resources, time, and scope.

Narrow down the options to a manageable number and then select the one that fits best.


 3. Conducting Basic Search

- Initial Searches:

Use general search engines like Google Scholar to get an overview of existing literature.

Enter broad keywords related to your topic to see the range of available studies.

- Reading Abstracts:

Start by reading abstracts of the articles to get a sense of their relevance.

Identify key papers that are frequently cited and seem to form the basis of the topic area.


 4. Advanced Search Techniques

- Use Databases:

Use academic databases like JSTOR, PubMed, and industry-specific databases.

Example: For HR and Succession Planning, use databases like Business Source Complete and ABI/INFORM.

- Boolean Operators:

Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to refine searches.

Example: “Succession Planning AND Startups” or “GIG Employees OR Freelancers AND Engagement AND Startups”.

- Advanced Search Options:

Utilize advanced search options to filter results by publication date, type, and subject area.

Example: Filter to show only peer-reviewed journals or articles published in the last five years.

- Citation Tracking:

Look at the reference lists of key papers to find additional relevant studies.

Use tools like Google Scholar’s “Cited by” feature to see who has cited these key papers.


 5. Evaluating Sources

- Relevance:

Ensure that the sources directly address your research question or topic.

Example: Articles that specifically discuss succession planning strategies in startups.

  - Credibility:

Check the credibility of the authors and the publication.

Prefer peer-reviewed journals, reputable publishers, and well-known experts in the field.

  - Date of Publication:

Prefer recent publications to ensure the information is up-to-date.

However, do not disregard seminal works that are foundational to your topic.


 6. Example Topics: Detailed Exploration and Assignment PDF shared to review research papers

- HR and Succession Planning in Startups: Link for PDF1:

Investigate the strategies startups use to plan for leadership and critical role succession.

Research Questions: What are the best practices for succession planning in startups? How do startups manage the transition of key roles?

 - GIG Employees Engagement in Startups: Link for PDF2:

Explore how startups engage with gig workers and the impact on productivity and loyalty.

Research Questions: What strategies do startups use to engage gig workers? What are the challenges and benefits of employing gig workers in startups?


 8. Conclusion

- Reiterate Importance:

Emphasize the importance of choosing the right topic as it lays the groundwork for the entire research project.

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In this session, we emphasized the critical steps in starting a research project, focusing on selecting a research topic, conducting basic and advanced literature searches, and ensuring the topic aligns with the researcher’s interests and objectives. By exploring two example areas—HR and Succession Planning in Startups, and GIG Employees Engagement in Startups—we provided a practical framework for students to choose and refine their research topics effectively.