Session 3 - Basic Level Online Classes -Literature Review - Citation Management

Report for Session 3 - Basic Level Online Classes -Literature Review - Citation Management

Session Title: Advanced Search Techniques and Citation Management

Date and Time – 5 June 2024, 09:30PM to 11:00PM IST


The goal of this session was to enhance participants' skills in advanced search techniques, evaluating sources, and managing citations effectively. The session covered the purpose and importance of citations, common citation styles, tools for citation management, and the significance of reference lists and literature reviews.


1. Review of Advanced Search Techniques

- Refining Searches:

Recap on Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to refine search results.

Example: Using “HR AND Succession Planning AND Startups” for precise results.


- Utilizing Databases:

Importance of using academic databases like JSTOR, PubMed, Business Source Complete, and ABI/INFORM.

Example: Accessing industry-specific databases for more targeted research.


- Advanced Search Options:

Utilizing filters for publication date, type, and subject area to narrow down results.

Example: Filtering results to show only peer-reviewed articles published in the last five years.


- Citation Tracking:

Using citation tracking tools to find influential papers and see who has cited them.

Example: Google Scholar’s “Cited by” feature to track the impact of seminal works.


 2. Evaluating Sources

- Relevance:

Ensuring sources are directly related to the research question or topic.

Example: Prioritizing articles that specifically discuss succession planning in startups.

- Credibility:

Assessing the credibility of authors and publications.

Example: Preferring peer-reviewed journals and reputable publishers.


- Date of Publication:

Using recent publications to ensure up-to-date information.

Example: Balancing between foundational works and current research.


 3. Process of Citation

- Purpose of Citation:

Acknowledging sources to give credit and avoid plagiarism.

Enhancing the credibility of the research by referencing authoritative sources.


- Importance of Citation:

Providing a trail for readers to follow for further information.

Supporting arguments and giving evidence for claims made in the research.


 4. Common Citation Styles

- Overview of Popular Styles:

APA: Common in social sciences.

MLA: Used in humanities.

Chicago: Preferred for history and some social sciences.

Harvard: Widely used in various fields.


- Choosing the Right Style:

Importance of adhering to the required citation style for consistency and professionalism.

Example: Following APA guidelines for a psychology and social sciences research paper.


 5. Tools for Citation Management

- Reference Management Software:

Overview of tools like Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, and RefWorks.

Features include organizing references, generating citations, and creating bibliographies.


- Practical Demonstration:

Demonstrating how to import references, organize them, and insert citations into documents using these tools.

Example: Using Mendeley to manage citations and create reference lists effortlessly.


 6. Importance of Reference Lists

- Comprehensive Lists:

Importance of maintaining a comprehensive reference list to support research.

Ensuring all cited works are listed accurately and formatted correctly.


- Supporting Arguments:

Reference lists back up claims made in the research and provide additional reading for interested readers.


 7. Importance of Literature Review

- Foundation of Research:

Literature reviews establish a solid foundation by summarizing existing knowledge and identifying gaps.

Example: Reviewing literature on succession planning in startups to highlight unexplored areas.


- Guiding Research:

Helps in refining research questions and methodologies.

Providing context and justification for the research study.


- Building Theoretical Framework:

Using literature reviews to build or refine theoretical frameworks.

Example: Integrating theories from HR and organizational behavior to study succession planning in startups.


 8. Practical Activity

- Citation Practice:

Participants practiced creating citations and reference lists using different styles.

Example: Generating APA citations for articles on succession planning and gig employee engagement.


 9. Q&A Session

Opened the floor for any questions regarding advanced search techniques, evaluating sources, citation management, and the importance of literature reviews and reference lists.



In this session, participants enhanced their understanding of advanced search techniques and evaluating sources. They learned about the purpose and importance of citations, common citation styles, and tools for citation management. The session also emphasized the importance of comprehensive reference lists and literature reviews in supporting and guiding research. Through practical activities and examples, participants gained hands-on experience in managing citations and conducting thorough literature reviews, setting a strong foundation for their research projects.

Being Organized: Bonus Tips

Document Organization:

Keep all research documents, notes, and articles in a well-structured folder system on your computer or cloud storage.

Example: Create folders for each stage of your research such as "Literature Review", "Data Collection", "Analysis", and "Writing".

Research Journal:

Maintain a research journal to log your daily activities, ideas, and reflections.

Helps in keeping track of your progress and organizing your thoughts.

Backup Your Work:

Regularly backup your research work to prevent data loss.

Use cloud storage services like Google Drive or Mendeley

Set Milestones:

Break down your project into smaller tasks in specific time and set milestones.

Example: Setting deadlines for completing the literature review, data collection, and draft writing.

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